Media We Have Featured In

Fit Street - Channel 4
With the help of a trainer, coach and hypnotherapist encouraging a people who live on the same street to be more active, to eat healthier and take an active role in taking care of their well being.

A variety of therapists in Harley Street. Jennie Francis helped a woman overcome her phobia of plants and a group changing their attitude to food and exercise with the Slim Naturally Programme. Harley Street (BBC2).
BBC London radio -Harriett Scott & Tim Arthur
Tim had been to see Jennie for a session 2 months earlier and lost 2 stone and gained a new running habit.
We kick start 6 readers to lose weight to lose a stone in 8 weeks using different techniques to help them.
A hypnotherapist is leading the way on a new technique hitting Harley Street, which claims clients can be hypnotised thin.
Fear Of Flying
You lose weight by gaining a better understanding of your relationship with food by tapping into your subconscious and by retraining your brain (with the help of a hypnotherapist) to get into healthier habits.